18 Hauppauge Road
Commack, NY 11725
Commack Public Library
Town of Huntington
Tel: 631-499-0888
Fax: 631-499-0591

Museum Pass Program


Big changes are coming to the Library's Museum Pass and Library of Things programs! The Library is moving to a new reservation system for our Museum Pass and Library of Things programs. The new system is more user-friendly and we will soon be able to offer Print-on-Demand for most of the museum passes in our collection.

As the Library shifts to these new programs, it will be necessary to temporarily close the online reservation system. Reservations for museum passes or Library of Things items can be made in-person at the Library or by calling 631-499-0888 and speaking to a reference librarian. We thank you for your patience as we upgrade the Library's Museum Pass and Library of Things program.

Borrowing Rules:

Commack Public Library adult cardholders, 18 and over, and in good standing, may borrow a museum pass.

  • Passes are limited to one pass per family, per loan period.
  • Passes to the same venue may not be reserved for successive (back-to-back) loan periods.


Tuesday - Thursday Beginning Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Thursday by 8:00 p.m.
Friday - Monday Beginning Friday at 9:00 a.m. Monday by 6:00 p.m.

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